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Праздничные рецепты Жюльен с грибами ветчиной Тирамису Салат Столичный Глинтвейн Салат Селедка под шубой Свинина с горчицей под шубой Мясо по-французски Салат с креветками и мандаринами Торт Прага Салат 8 марта Салат Новогодний Тигр Пирожные Валентинки Рулетики с семгой и брынзой Салат Оливье

контактные линзы интернет магазин главлинза
тнс энерго ростов на дону официальный

гостиница MANDARIN ORIENTAL 5* deluxe Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: KUALA LUMPUR CITY CENTRE, 50088 KUALA LUMPUR, Телефон: 60-3-23808888, Факс: 60-3-3808833 Количество комнат: 581 Скидки детям: с 2 по 12 лет. Баров: 4 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 70 km to the nearest airport: YKLCC 5 km to the nearest station: KL TRAIN STATION 5 minute walk to nearest bus stop. 7 km to the nearest fair site: PUTRA WORLD TRADE CENTRE Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel is just 30 miles from the new International Airport and in an enviable location. It provides the ideal mix of leisure, commerce and entertainment. The tallest building in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, is just next door. ROOMS All the rooms are tastefully furnished and offer the finest amenities. Many look out over the lush expanse of KLCC Park. RESTAURANT There is a cafe providing all day dining, a grill and bar, a tea lounge,and a Cantonese restaurant. There is also an an outdoor restaurant and an entertainment centre. EXTERIOR This is a modern, high-rise tower building. GENERAL The hotel has a fully equipped business centre, with conference rooms and a full range of secretarial services. There is a health centre with fully equipped gym, swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, treatments, sauna and steam rooms. 0401ZS Заметки CHILD REDUCTION WITH EXISTING BED ONLY. События 17.03.2005 - 21.03.