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Праздничные рецепты Жюльен с грибами ветчиной Тирамису Салат Столичный Глинтвейн Салат Селедка под шубой Свинина с горчицей под шубой Мясо по-французски Салат с креветками и мандаринами Торт Прага Салат 8 марта Салат Новогодний Тигр Пирожные Валентинки Рулетики с семгой и брынзой Салат Оливье

диоптрии контактных линз
Обработка паркетного и дощатого пола

гостиница FRANCISCO I 2* superior tourist Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: ARENAL,15, 28013 MADRID, SPAIN, Телефон: 34-91-5480204, Факс: 34-91-5422899 Количество комнат: 58 Скидки детям: с 2 по 12 лет. Баров: 1 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 15 km to the nearest airport: MADSOL 1 km to the nearest station: ATOCHS 12 km to the nearest fair site: IFEM 1 Дополнительная информация LOCATION Located in the very heart of Madrid, surrounded by many of the most important historical and artistic monuments, such as the Royal Palace, the Almudena Cathedral, the Plaza Mayor and one of the most emblematic shopping areas. ROOMS This is a cosy, traditional hotel. Its rooms provide the amenities necessary for the client`s comfort, although the furnishings and decorations are a little old fashioned. The rooms are medium sized. Not all of them have air conditioning. RESTAURANT The restaurant is not very large, but is cosy and welcoming. It is decorated with traditional accessories and details. It is a beamed room with wooden floor and decoration. It may be the best decorated area of the hotel. EXTERIOR The pale beige hotel facade features numerous balconies with traditional iron railings. LOBBY The entrance is small and decorated in a traditional way. GENERAL It is a very well located hotel for those who want to have the main tourist attractions close at hand as well as being very well connected by metro and bus. The hotel standard is quite basic. Owing to the location of this hotel on one of the most lively streets in Madrid there are many venue`s open until the early hours. This can mean the general area is often not very quiet although this is ideal if you like nightlife.07/03MP Заметки SINGLE CLOSE TO RACK. SINGLE CLOSE TO RACK. SINGLE CLOSE TO RACK. События 09.09.2004 - 13.09.2004: Fashion Jewellery Week 24.09.2004 - 26.09.2004: International Leather Week 09.11.2004 - 14.11.2004: Int`l Multimedia Fair 13.01.2005 - 17.01.2005: Gift & Jewellery Fair 25.01.2005 - 30.01.2005: FITUR - Tourism Fair 11.02.2005 - 14.02.2005: Fashion Show 23.02.2005 - 26.02.2005: Air Conditioned Exhb 24.03.2005 - 27.03.